Electric Cremators


Solar Panels



At our crematorium, we take pride in our commitment to sustainability. One of the key ways we contribute to a cleaner environment is through our electric cremators. Here’s why they matter:

  • Zero Gas Emissions: Unlike traditional gas-powered cremators, our electric models operate without any gas consumption. This means zero greenhouse gas emissions during the cremation process.

  • Climate-Neutral Option: By harnessing renewable energy sources such as solar power, we can run our electric cremators in a climate-neutral manner. This aligns perfectly with our goal of minimizing our carbon footprint.

  • Efficient Energy Use: The Electric cremator, which we have been using since the day we opened in 1993, uses approximately 85% less energy compared to gas ovens. This not only makes it more sustainable but also reduces our energy costs per cremation.


Our commitment to renewable energy extends beyond cremation. We have 100kw of solar panels and 100kw of battery storage installed on-site, generating and storing clean electricity directly from the sun. These panels help power our facilities, reducing our reliance on conventional energy sources.

  • Reduced Grid Dependency: By tapping into solar energy, we decrease our dependence on the grid. On sunny days, our panels generate surplus energy, which can be fed back into the local power network.

  • Supporting Local Sustainability: Our solar panels not only benefit our crematorium but also contribute to the overall sustainability of our community. Clean energy production helps protect the environment and supports a healthier future for all.


As part of the Orthometals Scheme, we responsibly manage the metals recovered from cremations. Here’s how it works:

  • Metal Recovery: During the cremation process, certain metals (such as surgical implants) remain. We collect these metals and ensure they are properly recycled.

  • Environmental Impact: By participating in the Orthometals Scheme, we prevent valuable metals from ending up in landfills. Instead, they are recycled, reducing the need for new mining and extraction.

  • Contributing to a Circular Economy: Our commitment to recycling aligns with the principles of a circular economy, where resources are reused and waste is minimized.

For more information about ‘Crecycling’ you can visit the Orthometals website.

At our crematorium, environmental stewardship is at the heart of everything we do. From electric cremators to solar panels and responsible metal recycling, we strive to create a greener, more sustainable future for our community and the planet.